Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pack 681 in the Memorial Day Parade!

Once again, our Cubmaster, Bob Harding, will lead us in the annual Falls Church Memorial Day Parade down Park St.  Here are the plans:
Sunday, May 25
Meet at the Scout House between 2pm and 5pm - show up anytime between 2 and 5 and stay as long as you can.  We will be constructing a train float.  Wear old clothes suitable for painting, etc.  We hope to wrap things up with a hot dog roast.  We need lots of help - we always deliver an awesome float! 
Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day)
Meeting place:  Parade slot # 21B, near the intersection of West St. and Greenwhich
Time:  Arrive no later than 1pm
Dress:  Full scout uniform and comfortable shoes
Bring:  Water bottle, rain jacket, if threat of rain
Parents can march with their scouts or pick up scouts at the end of the parade route.  This event is great fun - both the float construction and the parade.  The boys love handing out candy and marching in the parade.
Other reminders:
May 22:  Last Pack Meeting of the Season at Cherry Hill Park
June 5:  Planning Meeting:  St. James Knecht Gym Conference Room
Committee Members, Den Leaders, and two volunteers from each den should attend.  This is when we plan out the program for the 2008-2009 scouting year.  We need volunteers to coordinate pack events.  We will also vote to fill open positions.  There will be food...  All are invited - help shape the program for next year!
June 7-8:  Spring Family Campout at Camp Wilson
Don't miss this exciting campout with the great campfire as its centerpiece. 
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Contact the pack at:

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