Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

New parade line up #18A!

Once again, our Cubmaster, Bob Harding, will lead us in the annual Falls Church Memorial Day Parade down Park St. Here are the plans:

Sunday, May 25
Meet at the Scout House between 2pm and 5pm - show up anytime between 2 and 5 and stay as long as you can. We will be constructing a train float. Wear old clothes suitable for painting, etc. We hope to wrap things up with a hot dog roast. We need lots of help - we always deliver an awesome float!

Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day)
Meeting place: Parade slot # 18B, near the intersection of West St. and Greenwhich
Time: Arrive no later than 1pm
Dress: Full scout uniform and comfortable shoes
Bring: Water bottle, rain jacket, if threat of rain

Parents can march with their scouts or pick up scouts at the end of the parade route. This event is great fun - both the float construction and the parade. The boys love handing out candy and marching in the parade.

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