Friday, September 21, 2007

Pack 681 Will Hike the Entire Cross County Trail

Our Cubmaster has given a challenge to the Pack!

Who: The Entire Pack

What: Hike the entire Cross County Trail

Where: 40 Miles of scenic trails located right in our own back yard

When: During the 2007/2008 Pack Year

How: Three Pack Challenge Hikes: 1-3 miles each

Fall Challenge Hike: September 30, 2007
Winter Challenge Hike: February 10, 2008
Spring Challenge Hike and
Pack Celebration Picnic: May 10, 2008
Den Challenge Hikes:

Each Den is challenged to complete Two Hikes, 1-3 miles each
Scheduled by each Den Leader

Prizes: At the May 10th Picnic for the:
Scout that hikes the most miles
Den that hikes the most miles
Scout that spots the most wild animals
Den that spots the most wild animals
Scout that spots the most insects
Den that spots the most insects

For more information on the Cross County Trail, visit

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